Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Article Rewriting – How to A Develop Result Oriented Rewritten Article

Article rewriting is a job that requires some expertise.  You should have enough knowledge and skills to develop a good rewritten article.  

You should be capable of doing some research about the topic of the article and for the required keywords for search engine optimization. 
Article rewriting is a skill that only a few people possess.  Minimum knowledge about the different topics is one of the requirements to do this job.  Wide reading and willingness to learn more or do enough research only will help you to become a good article re-writer.  

 Before rewriting an article, you should understand the purpose of the rewritten article.  The rewritten articles can be used to submit to various directories or it can be used as a new blog post/web page.  So understand about the purpose of the article rewriting is very important for the selection of appropriate keywords.   

Benefits of Article Rewriting
There are many benefits for article rewriting.  Main benefit is that, many articles can be developed with different topics within a short time, if the work is handled by a skilled writer.  You can use this for various purposes also.  Since it can save a lot of time and effort many people are interested to get rewritten articles for different purposes.  

But the writer who is doing this work should have enough experience; otherwise the re-written articles will produce negative effects.  

Some important steps that should be taken to develop a good re-written article are below:
  • Before writing the article, understand the subject well and do some research about the topic.  After re-writing a few articles, you will get enough experience to do this well.  Subjects of the articles will be different such as business, entertainment, education, environment, politics and religion.  You should have some knowledge about the popular topics and also should do enough research wherever it is required.
  • Writing can be started with an introduction normally, or if it is convenient to you, write two or three paragraphs about the main topic first and then pass on to the introduction.  You can do this according to your taste.  A good introduction and a winding up conclusion with enough keywords will give a good impression about the article.  A rewritten article does not means that it is a substandard item, but actually many good re-writers are producing high quality rewritten articles than the originals which can be used successfully for various purposes.
  • Start rewriting carrier with small articles up to 300 to 350 words and this will give you enough confidence for rewriting big ones.  Research work and keyword search also will be easy for small articles.  Small articles are more expressive and you can convey your ideas in fewer words also.
  • Understand that rewriting is not like translation.  You can avoid the smaller or silly ideas or sentences in the original and use your own ideas for better output.  What you have to do is to produce a new article with the same topic that should be capable of satisfying the objective of the work. 
  • The last and main step is; write the entire article using your own ideas and words, after understanding subject matter of the original article.  Do not try to copy or imitate any phrases or sentences from the original.  If you found any mistake in the original, do not use its corrected version in the re-written article, but use completely different phrase or sentence. 

Watch a video below by Alan Kang about How to Rewrite Articles:

A rewritten article means a new article with the same topic and it does not mean to develop a carbon copy of the original with some rearrangements in paragraphs, sentences and words.  Basic requirement for the success in this job is the ability to write different types of articles for different purposes and the skill to use search engine optimization techniques in the articles for getting more traffic.

Click here to learn more about How to Write Different Types of Articles. 

Click here to know more about How to Write SEO Articles (articles with search engine optimization techniques).

Also Read:
How Article Rewriting Helps to Increase Web Traffic?


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