Wednesday, 16 April 2014

How to Attract More Readers to Your Blog

Blog with Good Content

For a new blog writer, it is not easy to find sufficient viewers or readers for his/her posts.  Quality content is a must for attracting readers, but in addition to that you have to do some promotional activities also to get more readers for your blog.

Watch video below by Michael Dunlop about How to Increase Blog Traffic:

Get New Readers for Your Blog

Always aim for more additional readers for your new post.  Your usual followers will read your posts regularly if you maintain a certain quality for the contents, but your aim should be to attract more new readers for each new post.  For that purpose follow the helpful tips given below:

  • Contents of the blog posts should be optimized for major search engines.  Contents may be article, images or video and all these should be optimized well with keywords and tags.  Use keywords in titles of the posts and in the links of the articles.  Back links are very important for the search engine ranking and you should get a good number of quality back links for this purpose.  This links can be have from other blogs in your niche, social media sites, social forums or from article directories.  Concentrate on this effort sincerely because getting quality back links are very vital for search engine ranking.
  • You can make comments about the posts of other blogs in your niche.  It will help you to attract more readers from that blog to your posts.  But your comments should be of good quality.  Simply saying ‘this is a good post’ or ‘I like your post very much’ etc. will not give any positive effect.  Read the blog post and make a good and valuable comment.  The comment should show that you are an authority in your niche.  So the viewers naturally will be interested to come to your blog for finding more information. It will be better to make comments on blogs that have fair number of readers, but also you should read and make comments in some freshman’s blog also.  This will give them a boost and you also will be get benefited.
  • Social media sites are now helping a lot to attract targeted readers if you are able to use it wisely.  Learn to make use of social media sites for your benefit.  These sites are able to provide tones of visitors and that will be more helpful to you.  Click here to learn how to use LinkedIn for the promotion of your blog, if you have an account in LinkedIn.  If you have multiple accounts in different social media sites, click here to get more information about managing four popular social media sites i.e. Face book, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Google +.
  • Social forums are another platform where you have to make your presence noticeable.  Participate actively in the discussion of a few social forums of your niche and you will be able to bring a good numbers of new readers to your blog.
  • Use pictures and videos as the part of contents in your posts and that will attract more new readers.  Use PowerPoint presentation or sliding pictures where it is needed.  These items will give your blog a unique appearance.  Readers are always in search of different types of blogs with good and valuable contents.  Use keywords and tags for these items also for search engine optimization.
  • When you get a comment about your post, give them a polite reply through the blog itself or through their email id.  It will bring more interest in the comment makers and they will become your followers.
  • Interact with your readers through discussion, quizzes etc.  Always be active and that will give you unexpected positive results.  If your contents are useful for the readers, they will become your followers and participate in every interaction programs that you introduce through your blog.
  • Offer some reports, eBooks or some software programs freely in occasional intervals.  That will become a reason for many to visit your blog regularly.  These offers should have some value and it should be useful to the readers.

It's not possible and practical just to write articles and to expect it to be read by a lot of people. An effective blog writer should be able to draw targeted customers to his blog successfully. You will not get any immediate success in such efforts.  It will take time and you should be patient and avoid getting discouraged.  If you are determined with a positive will, you will surely win.

John Chow is one of the most successful bloggers in the world.  His blogging course will give you sure success in this field.  If you want to earn some good money from blogging join in this professional training course.  

 Click here to find more information about the Blogging Course by John Chow.

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