Wednesday, 19 March 2014

How Article Rewriting Helps to Increase Web Traffic?

Article Submission
Article submission helps to increase website traffic.  When you publish your articles in different websites  your webpage will be viewed by many by clicking on the link that you have provided (most probably in the resource box) in the articles.   

When you publish more articles, the number of visitors of your web pages will also be increased.  Top search engine result pages (SERP) give more credit to the web pages that have more links from different sites. Creating more links from different websites (with good page ranks) is also a sure way to gain the attraction of the search engines.  

In addition to many other factors, search engines judge a site’s popularity based on the number (and ranking) of websites that link to it. Therefore, the more websites you can get to link to your website, the better your site will be positioned.  If your web page can be listed in the first 10 search results of a search engine, your web page will get a very good traffic.  So everybody is trying to get their web pages to be listed in the first page of search engine results.  For that effort, article writing is a good and popular method and this method is following by many successfully.  
How to Write an Article
Articles that are using for article submission should be prepared with good content having appropriate keywords.  Proper keywords will help the search engines to select and place it in their search result pages.  For this purpose who have to follow SEO guidelines for preparing an articles.  Learn to write good SEO articles for your different purposes .   

Click here to know more about how to write SEO articles.

For publishing articles, you can use articles that were written by you or the articles you have legal right to publish.  You can also hire writers for this purpose.  Another method is to use PLR articles which have public rights that allow anybody to use them for their purpose.  But these articles are using by many in different online platforms, so publishing them without re-writing properly will attract punishment from the search engines for duplication. But you can use these types of articles for your purpose by re-writing it properly.  
Article Re-Writing and Article Spinners
Re-writing can be done manually or automatically.  Automatic article spinners are available without much difficulty, but the articles produced by them may not produce the desired effect on the readers.  Most of the article spinners are producing only junks.  It is always better to do the re-writing manually. Another better option is to mix automatic and manual re-writing in a good proportion.

Article spinning is using the matching words in the article from a library of synonyms.  A collection of synonyms are inserted in the articles as alternatives as the matching words.  Using an automatic article spinner, you can create hundred versions of the same article and you can use them for different purposes.  But fully automatically created article will not produce the desired result to attract more readers for the article.  Use the automatic system wisely, and use them strictly under your supervision.  Then you can produce different unique articles based on the same topic successfully.  
Watch a video below by formmailhosting about Article Rewriting Software:

If you are using a PLR article for article submission, insert the required keywords for the topic to get noticed by the search engines.  If you can use this method effectively you can successfully create more traffic for your website or blog.  Select a unique article first and use only good quality article spinner for helping you to re-write. 

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