Thursday, 27 February 2014

10Ways to promote Your Face book Account

Face Book Pages

Face book is the most important social media site.   

Main purposes of the social media sites are to share and renew friendships.  Face book, because of its large number of account holders, is very helpful to renew old friendships and start new friendships.   

But many of the account holders are using their face book pages for the promotion of the business also.
Watch a video below by BCTV about using Face book account for business:

Face Book for Business:
Ten techniques that you can use for the promotion of your Face book account are as below:
1.       BUSINESS PAGE:  If you are planning to promote your business through Face book, it is better to start a business page.  Write an attractive profile mainly liked to your business and not give much emphasis to your personal matters.  Readers should get a very good impression about you and about your business from this profile. 

2.      POST VALUABLE CONTENTS:  Always be careful to post useful and valuable contents.  Do not post anything for the sake of being active in the page.  Your followers should be attracted by your posts and they will wait for your next post anxiously, if your postings are good for them. 

3.      PARTICIPATION:  In conversation with the followers, ask them to participate wholeheartedly in the discussion.  Only active participants will take real interest in your business. 

4.     WEB PAGE OR BLOG:  If you have a web page or blog, post your Face book id in it so that your readers can follow your Face book account.  This will makes your Face book account more popular. 

5.      RESPOND TO THE COMMENTS ON BLOGS:  To attract more participation, check the comments on your blog post everyday and respond to the comments wisely.  This activity will enhance the number of comments on your blog. 

6.      FACE BOOK ‘LIKE’ PAGE:  If you place a Face book ‘Like’ page in your blog, you can get more followers for Face book account.   When you get more likes, others will notify your account. 

7.       E MAIL SIGNATURES:  Use email signatures with a link to the Face book page in all your e mails.  Use this signature id in your personal emails also.  This will give more publicity to your account. 

8.      INTERACTION BY COMMENTS:  Read other’s Face book post and make genuine comments.  This will make your account more popular and others will give more trust in your activities. 

9.      FACE BOOK ADS:  Face book is the largest social media site and advertising about your business on Face book page brings you a lot of new enquires and business.  But you have to pay for these advertisements, so think about the commercial aspect of this expenditure before placing any ads. 

10.   OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS:  If you have accounts in Twitter or LinkedIn, mention your Face book id in your posts to the Twitter and LinkedIn.  This will make others to visit your account and like your Face book page.  

These techniques can use by anybody for the promotion of Face book or any other social media accounts.  Do it sincerely, you will get positive results.   

If you want a professional training to manage social media accounts for business promotion, click here to know more about this training.  This training will help you to manage four social media accounts (Face book, LinkedIn, Google + and Pinterest) successfully for the promotion of your business.

Also Read:

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  1. I've been using Facebook for 5 years but haven't tried it in promoting business. Thank you for sharing these very helpful tips! Try check ClickMinded SEO Training for additional info.

  2. Techiv,

    Thanks a lot for the comment.
